Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's Empty

I have made the decision to stop reading a couple of blogs because I find them and their writers (and I use that term very loosely here) so annoyingly dull. It really isn't that I mind that they write about what they did today, but that their writing is so filled with cliches and the hip catchphrases of the month that the hollowness of thought positively echoes. It reminds me of why I have never been very popular: I've never been like the other girls, and I have never wanted to be. Apparently, I don't have a lot in common with the average person. With few exceptions, the interests and entertainments of the masses offer me nothing and I am not the least bit motivated to strive for much more than being happy and making the effort to make the lives of those around me better. Being kind for no reason has always had more appeal to me than having something to lord over someone who doesn't have it. I really don't mind if these women continue to record their minutae and do it badly; I'm just not going to read it anymore.

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